Acupuncture points, also known as meridians, are specific places on the body where the flow of accumulated energy can be released, and through these points pass various nerve endings, muscle fibers, tendons, ligaments and joints.
In general, there are 12 main meridians that are related to the lung, spleen, heart, kidneys, heart, liver, large intestine, stomach, small intestine, bladder or vesicle, for example.
Thus, to assist in the treatment of diseases with acupuncture, it is necessary to find the exact point to understand which meridian is affected, which can be the ear, feet, hands, legs and arms. After that, according to the technique used, fine needles, laser or lead spheres are applied in these places, balancing body energy and generating well-being and relieving pain, for example. Understand better how acupuncture works .
Map of Main Acupuncture Points
The image indicates some of the main acupuncture points on the body, which can be pressed or stimulated with final needles or laser to unblock the energy flow and restore health. There is another acupuncture technique called moxibustion that also consists of stimulating specific points, however, through the application of local heat.
The best therapists to work with acupuncture are the acupuncturist, the doctor trained in traditional Chinese medicine or the physiotherapist who specializes in acupuncture, however, the person himself can achieve relief from headache and menstrual cramps by pressing certain points on the body .
On the Feet
The acupuncture points are also found on the feet, the same being used in reflexology. Thus, the therapist can stimulate the points he deems necessary to treat the specific problem that arises in an organ.
Massaging the area of the foot, which corresponds to the organ that needs to be treated, is also a good way to take advantage of the energetic benefits of this stimulus.
In the Ear
The ear is also a place rich in acupuncture points, which represent the different organs of the body.
These points are normally used in auriculotherapy, in which small lead spheres are glued on the point, to stimulate the site, relieving discomfort in the organ related to a specific meridian.
Learn more about auriculotherapy and when to use this technique .
In the Hand
The acupuncture points of the hand can be easily used on a daily basis, as they also act as pressure points that help to relieve common symptoms such as headache, dizziness or nausea, for example.