Massaging is the gentle manipulation of the soft tissues of the body. Massage techniques have been traditionally used with fingers, palms, elbows, feet, or a mechanical device called a massager. The primary purpose of massaging is usually for the relief of pain or stress. However, there is a growing interest in the role that massage can play in the prevention and treatment of chronic disease. There is considerable evidence to support the effectiveness of massage as a means of relieving both acute and chronic pain from musculoskeletal disorders and diseases. Many studies have also shown that massage can aid in the prevention of various types of cancers and other life-threatening illnesses.

Treatment massage

There are certain types of massage that are considered very beneficial to the health of the patient. Massaging the hands and feet releases endorphins, a hormone produced by the brain, which are associated with feelings of well-being, and help to reduce pain associated with arthritis. Massaging the lower back and shoulders helps to relieve tension in these areas. Other benefits of massage include improving circulation, stimulating lymphatic drainage and increasing blood flow to the brain. Aromatherapy is another way of using massage to improve the overall well-being of patients.

Regardless of what type of massage you want to receive, whether it be for relaxation, pain relief or stress relief, it is important that you choose a qualified massage therapist. In addition to being qualified in massage therapy, the therapist should be experienced in treating your specific medical condition. By working with a qualified and experienced massage therapist, you can receive maximum benefits from each session and enjoy your massage therapy sessions on a regular basis.

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